viernes, 1 de marzo de 2013

The war shifts to the middle states

So after the British troops leaves Boston they decided to go to NYC to attack and take over. British decided to take over NYC because it was the major sea port.
By taking over them it would cut all the connections of the others colonies. This whole idea was from the general How. This whole process wasn't done in one day not even in weeks it took many battles until finally they capture the city on September /15/1776.
So he could tell waiting was well paid at the end.

Several troops of Britain and Germany almost crushed the continental actually they were about 30 thousand troops. When this happens George Washington decides to retreat.
He believed it was more important to take care of his troops than winning all the battles. George's decision by retreating to New Jersey was his best strategy because he could save his soldiers. George Washington had this special quality by treating everyone with the equality they deserved no matter if they were soldiers or nobles.

Later on George had the brilliant idea to cross Delaware at the middle of the night.
Actually it was at middle of Christmas eve Dec/25/1776.
This surprised general Garrison and his troops because no one ever had attack at night. The reasons they were surprised of this were because it was heavily snowing and cold at night, all troops were resting and they were even drunk because as told before it was Christmas eve.
Obviously George won the battle as well the battle of Trenton Dec/26/1776 using the same strategy attacking by surprised in the night.

Andrea Aguilera

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