viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

Mistakes the British Made

The first mistake the british made was to think that they were fighting an European war. This war was far from that. it was the first revolutionary war. The brits underestimated the patriots. They had already defeated forces such as the French and Spanish during the Seven Years War. So they believed that defeating an army with no experience in the battlefield would be a piece of cake.

The British believed it would take no time for the Patriots to throw the towel, but the Patriots were convinced otherwise. The Patriots were persistent they were determined to come out victorious, and they had an intellectual weapon named George Washington. He knew he had to keep his troops inspired which is why he read to them Thomas Paine's books, "The American Crisis" and "Common Sense". This lead to a psychological victory for them.


The British mistakes were totally the reason why they deserved to loose the war. They kept doing things the same way even the mistakes. But one of there biggest mistake was when Lord william Howe ordered a frontal assault. It was in the middle of the day to take the hill. But as we know patriots strategy was to entrenched, hide behind walls and places from red coats and British let to know everybody every time they were coming in to attack their opponents.That wasn't a good strategy cause their opponents were able to get ready before the battle.

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