viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

What did the Revolution accomplish and what ideas did it set in motion?

 What did it accomplish?

In 1783, Benjamin Franklin negotiated the treaty of Paris that officially recognize the American Revolution. Franklin gained more territory for the United States than the Americans actually won on the battlefield.

Women gained few political or legal rights. About 90,000 Loyalists became refugees. Some resettled in Canada. Many African Americans were re-enslaved and sent to the British West Indies.

In the South, some planters voluntarily freed their slaves in an action called manumission. However, southern whites feared black reprisals. The Revolution led to emancipation in the North but not the South, where slaves were a third of the population.The American Revolution inspired other revolutions around the world.First was the French Revolution in 1789. 

What ideas did it set in motion?

The Revolution spread the idea of “liberty” home and abroad. “All men created equal” written by Jefferson probably meant only white men, however, both African-American and Women used these words to claim their rights. The American Revolution also inspired other countries to rebel against oppressive leader. The Revolution inspired many slaves to demand their freedom. In the North, some slaves petitioned or sued for freedom. Thousands of African Americans volunteered to fight the British. Others followed in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

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