viernes, 25 de enero de 2013

The Boston Tea Party

In May 10, 1773 the tea act was levied on the american colonies. this act gave total monopoly of tea sales in the colonies to the east india company. it also resulted in the company to export tea to the colonies in its own accords which lowered the price on tea. still colonists would smuggle Dutch tea instead of buying the British tea that was even more accesible, because they wouldnt pay any direct tax from the parliament.

In dec 16, 1773, the sons of liberty led by samuel adams, disguised themselves as Mohawk indians. in the night they boarded 3 ships Dartmouth, Eleanor, and beaver. they threw 342 chests with tea into the ocean. in total it was more that 90,000 lb. of tea that was thrown into the water. the aproximate cost of this was 10,000. about one million dollars now a days.
Thanks to the disguise the authorities couldnt clain who were the participants to this rebelious act, and they all got out unpunished. unfortunately for them British Government was outraged by the colonists ingratitude. in reply the Parliament passed the boston port bill, the intolerable acts.

- Rebeka

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